March 5, 2014 – General Meeting



Due to the unavailability of our normal meeting room at the Glendale Library, the March 5, 2014 CINLUG meeting will be held at Midwest Internet


Topic: Cybersecurity

Presenter: Mike Cowper

What malicious software lurks in the dark corners of the Internet? What systems are vulnerable? What can be done? For some answers to these and other questions, come to the March general meeting of CINLUG.



Due to the unavailability of our normal meeting room at the Glendale Library, the March 5, 2014 CINLUG meeting will be held at Midwest Internet


Topic: Cybersecurity

Presenter: Mike Cowper

What malicious software lurks in the dark corners of the Internet? What systems are vulnerable? What can be done? For some answers to these and other questions, come to the March general meeting of CINLUG.

Mike Cowper is the Senior Systems Administrator at Midwest Internet and a Cybersecurity Specialist with the Indianapolis Division of Homeland Security.


Location: TBD

Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Directions to Midwest Internet

CINLUG meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. They are FREE and OPEN to the public. Annual membership dues are $30 and payment of dues is encouraged to help with funding events and expenses. Just show up and find out more to see if you want to become a member.

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