Heard of dual/tri-booting? Try hecta-boot!

Someone has achieved the record of having a grub menu booting 100+ systems of Dos, Windows, Linux, BSD and Solaris .
In this thread he explains how to set up your machine, incuding GRUB, to boot 100 different flavours of various operating systems.

Someone has achieved the record of having a grub menu booting 100+ systems of Dos, Windows, Linux, BSD and Solaris .
In this thread he explains how to set up your machine, incuding GRUB, to boot 100 different flavours of various operating systems.

Apart from the 100 operating systems to boot there are a lot of interesting information related to the workarounds found to install all these systems and overcoming the limitations of four primary partitions and one logical partition for each hard disk.

Full Story http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=143973

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