December 2, 2015 – General Meeting

Topic: FreeBSD: Not a Linux Distro

Presenter: Dan Langille

Mr. Langille will be giving a presentation titled “FreeBSD: Not a Linux Distro.” FreeBSD is a Unix-like operation system used around the world by companies such as Sony, Verisign, Apple and Juniper Networks. Many may not know of its roots or how it is not even a Linux distro at all. FreeBSD offers powerful innovations such as ZFS, Jails and Dtrace but still makes it easy to use since it is a complete operating system and not just the kernel. Get started today with this friendly little Daemon. More information is available at

Dan has been using FreeBSD since 1998 and almost immediately he started documenting his experiences. This online journal eventually became The FreeBSD Diary. Along the way, he founded a couple of conferences (BSDCan, PGCon) and created a few other websites. He is very good at describing the step-by-step procedures to perform a wide variety of tasks, from changing your prompt to creating and maintaining jails

Additionally, CINLUG will be having a pitch-in holiday party – please bring a dish to share with fellow CINLUG attendees.

Location: Glendale Branch, IMCPL

Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Directions to the Glendale IMCPL Branch

CINLUG meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. They are FREE and OPEN to the public. Annual membership dues are $30 and payment of dues is encouraged to help with funding events and expenses. Just show up and find out more to see if you want to become a member.

Topic: FreeBSD: Not a Linux Distro

Presenter: Dan Langille

Mr. Langille will be giving a presentation titled “FreeBSD: Not a Linux Distro.” FreeBSD is a Unix-like operation system used around the world by companies such as Sony, Verisign, Apple and Juniper Networks. Many may not know of its roots or how it is not even a Linux distro at all. FreeBSD offers powerful innovations such as ZFS, Jails and Dtrace but still makes it easy to use since it is a complete operating system and not just the kernel. Get started today with this friendly little Daemon. More information is available at

Dan has been using FreeBSD since 1998 and almost immediately he started documenting his experiences. This online journal eventually became The FreeBSD Diary. Along the way, he founded a couple of conferences (BSDCan, PGCon) and created a few other websites. He is very good at describing the step-by-step procedures to perform a wide variety of tasks, from changing your prompt to creating and maintaining jails

Additionally, CINLUG will be having a pitch-in holiday party – please bring a dish to share with fellow CINLUG attendees.

Location: Glendale Branch, IMCPL

Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Directions to the Glendale IMCPL Branch

CINLUG meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. They are FREE and OPEN to the public. Annual membership dues are $30 and payment of dues is encouraged to help with funding events and expenses. Just show up and find out more to see if you want to become a member.

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